Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Insightful article...

The article at: finally put into perspective something that I never quite understood about my parents and many of their generation and their parents' generation. It is obvious to many of us that most newspapers and television programs are horrible sources of information. I have always wondered why people don't go online for their information. The only place I've ever gone for information is online or in books. I read the paper when I'm over at my parents house and am appalled at how much it omits and how distorted its viewpoint is. I could never understand why someone would rely on it for news. Being that the Internet is all I have ever known as a primary source of information, it never fully occurred to me that all there was before the Internet was television, radio, newspapers, and a few journals and magazines which only came out every month or so and most people didn't read anyways. The older you get, the more ossified you become in your ways and less likely are to change your habits. The control over the media that the government had before the internet is truly astounding. I would go so far as to say that the generation gap between those before the internet and those after it must be the widest in world history. Read the article; it really makes you appreciate the time we live in. As Mark Twain reportedly said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you are misinformed."

Sunday, September 03, 2006

On the lighter side...

This is a well manipulated political satire which gave me a hearty laugh: