Saturday, August 26, 2006

A few more words of Introduction

After starting this blog a couple days ago, I have become fairly addicted to it, so I will start posting in earnest.

For the most part, my political views adhere to the links on this site with a few exceptions. For my views on 9/11, read Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil by Michael Ruppert. Wayne Madsen and The Centre for Research on Globalisation both take a similar stance. ZNet refuses to address the issue, but is a great social justice site and has incisive political analysis. I welcome any suggested links to other sites along the same lines as the ones on this site.

Peak Oil, relocalization, and sustainability are my biggest concerns. Life After the Oil Crash is a great site to get you up-to-speed on the subject of Peak Oil. Post Carbon Institute and the Relocalization Network (both part of the same organization) are what I have found to be the best starting point for developing a sustainable way of life. I am just now trying to learn about Permaculture as a sustainable form of agriculture which holds great hope for the future of mankind. When (if) I learn about this subject in the future, I will have more to say on the subject. Right now, all my time is spent with school work and keeping up with the rapidly deteriorating New World Order. I have tried everything in my power to get people in Rock Hill to take these situations seriously but have had absolutely no success. Therefore, I am eager to get the fuck out of here as soon as my lease is up at the end of March 2007. I fear greatly that that may be too late, but I've invested too much time and money into getting a stupid undergraduate degree to quit now.

I'm 29 as of this writing and am finally a senior. Of course, I haven't been in school the entire time that I've been out of high school since 1995. I started out at Indiana University, Bloomington and spent 3 years there: 2 in Music Composition and 1 in Computer Science. Then I dropped out for some time, eventually took some classes at the University of Pittsburgh, dropped out again, and moved to Rock Hill, SC at the very end of 2003 because my landlord wouldn't turn the heat on or get an exterminator for the insect infestations in the slum I was living in (technically not a slum). My parents live in Rock Hill and after I got here I decided to finish up my undergraduate degree in Piano Performance at Winthrop University because it was my cheapest option and I am quite poor. For the rest of it, view my profile.

My worldview has isolated me from pretty much everyone in Rock Hill, so I've learned to avoid these subjects entirely here. Another issue I am virulently antagonistic towards is religion. Actually, just the 3 major desert religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I used to be an ardent, born-again Christian. That was until I read the Bible. After reading the New and Old Testaments, I have nothing but contempt for them and don't see how any sane person can believe in them after reading them in their entirety. I have read parts of The Koran and find that it reads exactly like the Old Testament, therefore it appalls me. The history of these 3 religions is rife with intolerance, persecution, demagogueary, and violence. There are a few noble passages in the Bible, but it must be taken in its entirety and historical context, therefore rendering them moot. I have great respect for what some believe are the central tenets of spirituality such as love, peace, equality, wisdom and so forth, but these are outweighed by all of the negative passages in the Bible and (as far as I've read) the Koran. I don't know enough about other religions to comment on them. I am intrigued by methods of ecstasy and meditation, but have been brought up in a culture where these are sorely neglected and haven't had the necessary inclination to seek out sources knowledgeable on these subjects and am wary of watered down versions of these. Needless to say, I hate living in the "Buckle of the Bible Belt."

This blog is mainly intended to appease my narcissistic impulses to see my ideas vented on a public forum, but I welcome discussion on any and all points brought up.


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